Richard Rabbit Comes to Play
Peppa and George
are playing in their bedroom.
This will be the best house ever!
George, Richard Rabbit is here.
Bye bye, Richard.
I'll be back to pick you up later!
George and Richard are best friends.
You've knocked my house down.
Please play something not bouncy.
Ha ha ha!
George has made
the toy basket into a volcano.
Richard is using toy trees to make a jungle.
George has used
building blocks to make a river.
Dinosaur! Dinosaur!
George and Richard have
turned the bedroom into dinosaur land.
I leave it. It's too noisy.
I say potato. And I say potato.
Potato! Potato! Potato! Potato!
The good thing about rainy days is
we get to watch important TV programs.
Potato! Potato! Potato!
Mommy, George and Richard
have made the bedroom into dinosaur land.
And dinosaur land is very noisy.
George has his best friend here,
but I've got no one to play with.
You could ask Susie Sheep to come over.
Susie Sheep is Peppa's best friend.
Can Susie really come over now?
Let's ring her.
Mie! Hello, Susie Sheep's speaking.
Susie, it's me.
Can you come to my house now?
Yes, Peppa!
Can I wear my nurse's costume?
Yes, but come quickly.
Bye bye, Susie!
I'll be back… to pick you up later.
George! Richard! Nurse Susie is here.
And nurse Susie
says this is not dinosaur land.
It's a hospital.
And a hospital must be clean and tidy.
The bedroom is not
dinosaur land anymore. It is a hospital.
I am an important doctor.
This dinosaur looks sick.
I agree, doctor.
He's a very
greeny-ill color. He must go to bed.
And this dinosaur
looks very purply-ill color.
Yes, doctor. He must go to bed, too.
Sh-sh!Quiet in the hospital.
Choo choo!
The bedroom is not a hospital any more.
Now it's a railway station.
No! No! There aren't any trains in fairyland.
Oh, now the bedroom is fairyland.
Only pretty things are allowed in fairyland.
What's all this crying about?
George and Richard
want to play dinosaurs and trains.
And we want to play hospitals and fairies.
Uh, I see the rain has stopped outside.
So maybe you could all play outside.
But they like little boys' games.
And we like grown-up girls' games.
But after it's been raining in the garden,
what you normally find…
And what are muddy puddles for?
Jumping up and down in!
Everyone loves jumping up
and down in muddly puddles
whether they're big girls or little boys.